Through the Darkness, You Can See the Light

Last November, I went to a remote place in southern Oregon called Sky Cave Retreats to participate in a darkness retreat.  This practice had been calling me for a while, and I decided to do this for my annual birthday tradition of a solo pilgrimage. The first response I got from most people was “Why?!” and then, “I could never do that…” As humans, we have such deep-rooted fears of the dark starting from childhood. The dark represents the unknown and a lack of control, two things most people avoid.

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Finnian Kelly
What’s the difference between Holotropic Breathwork and the Intentionality Breath?

I’m so passionate about breathwork because it is a powerful practice available to anyone and at any time and offers a gateway to transformation and self-discovery beyond what you can reach with the conscious mind. And while all the lingo and delineations between the different types of breathwork might be overwhelming, remember that this is your superpower that you were born with, and all it takes is one inhale in, and one exhale out to get started!

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Finnian Kelly
Perspectives from the Playa - Burning Man in the Mud

This year’s Burning Man was unlike any other. Six days into the event, torrential rains stranded tens of thousands of participants as the dusty desert turned into a mud pit. I woke up from a mid-afternoon nap, opened the door to my RV and was confronted by dark rainy skies, deep mud puddles and an eerie quiet - something that never occurs on the Playa!

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Finnian Kelly
Who 'Nose' It Best?👃The benefits of nasal breathing 😤

Breathing is our greatest super power 🦸🏽 and obviously it is essential for our survival. We often take it for granted, but the way we breathe can have a significant impact on our physical and mental health. Breathing through the nose, in particular, has many benefits that can improve our overall well-being.  Here are a few of the main reasons we should re-train ourselves to nose breathe:

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Finnian Kelly
How Vipassana Prepared Me For Death

For the last month I have had many requests to write about my recent experience at a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat. I can tell you that when I sat down to write this blog I had no idea that what you are about to read would come flowing out of me. Due to the vulnerability, I actually questioned whether I should share it, but I trust that it will be valuable to someone.

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Finnian Kelly
My Many Attempts And Failures At Taking A Sabbatical, Until Now!

I have been sitting looking at this view for the last couple of hours and reflecting on the journey that I had to undertake to get here. I am not talking about the travel journey, I am talking about the emotional journey. Be prepared, this is a longer post than normal, there is a lot I feel necessary to share with you and I am confident it will be of value.

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Finnian Kelly
The answer to becoming a high-performing forum….

There’s a misconception in EO and YPO about just what a facilitator can do for your forum. I often hear that people think a facilitator is only about learning. I truly believe the best retreats happen when a facilitator is not just focused on teaching, but someone focused on curating a wholesome experience and transformation.

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Finnian Kelly
Mastering The Five Principles Of Intentionality

When you cut to the core, ALL humans want the same things. We want to feel love, connection, peace, prosperity, fulfilment, and well-BEing. We all want to live a good life. We want to get to the end of it all knowing we lived fully - without leaving anything untouched on the table.

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Finnian Kelly
Why You Need To Book A Retreat

We don’t know what the future will look like but there is one thing I can guarantee, if you lose the discipline of forum best practices, then your forum will never be the same. I am confident that this current global situation will pass and the forums that scheduled that retreat will be so grateful when the time comes to be on it as we will need connection more than ever then.

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Finnian Kelly
Seven Ways To Cultivate An intentional Relationship With Technology

Are you a slave to your phone? Do you struggle to separate yourself from your computer? Are you forever ‘just glancing’ at social media? It’s tempting to blame the tech revolution for the far-reaching ways our lives have changed in the past two decades. We’re more connected than ever, but lonelier too. Our attention spans are now officially less than a goldfish’s because it’s the only way we can cope with the constant onslaught of information!

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Finnian Kelly
Are you intentionally walking your path?

Have you ever had that moment where you suddenly look around and wonder where the F**K am I, how did I get here and how do I find my way? I am sure you can look back upon your life and recall many such experiences, from being lost on a hike, to being in a relationship that is miserable, to selling your soul in a job, or carrying an extra 20 pounds.

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Finnian Kelly
Why goal-setting is terrible advice for a happier life

I’ve been a goal addict for as long as I can remember. My obsession with success made me hustle after big things – and I did well. I got the big house, the relationship, and the successful business. I got to see the world with my work, and as a financial expert, I accumulated a lot of wealth. I thought I’d ‘made it’, until all the things I’d worked so hard to achieve started to crumble away.

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