Mastering The Five Principles Of Intentionality
When you cut to the core, ALL humans want the same things. We want to feel love, connection, peace, prosperity, fulfilment, and well-BEing. We all want to live a good life. We want to get to the end of it all knowing we lived fully - without leaving anything untouched on the table.
The challenge is, we don’t know how to experience this.
And it’s not our fault.
You can blame the conditioned state!
The conditioned state will happily dictate your timeline - telling you what you ‘should’ be doing and when. Chances are, you’ll have seen the timeline play out in your own life:
Do well at school
Secure a good career (and in line with your one & only purpose)
Find your life partner
Buy a house, have kids, save and THEN have a little fun
Do the ‘right’ thing now, and then you can retire in your 60s and have your time back
This path is so ingrained that we don’t instinctively think to question it.
Plus, the promise of external success seduces us. Chase the business awards, the millionaire status, the big house, the luxury holidays, the out of your league partner and you’ll experience success and happiness.
But once the thrill of the big win wears off, you’re still left wondering…
How can I have everything, but still feel empty?
A lot of entrepreneurs experience this - myself included. Many people crash out when they’re at the top of the game because there’s nowhere else to look for the things they feel are missing.
This disillusionment isn’t your fault, and it’s not that you’re greedy or ungrateful.
Instead, the conditioned state got you focused on the wrong things.
The truth is, we need a new philosophy for living. One that fills the voids and empowers us to live a no-regrets life. One that doesn’t require us to sacrifice the things our soul craves for the sake of logic.
The philosophy that will help us get there is Intentionality.
Let me explain…
What is Intentionality?
People guided by Intentionality move through life with a heightened level of awareness and presence.
They know their PURPOSE is fluid and flexible
They know what they VALUE
They know how they want to FEEL
They know what GOALS to set to stay on their path.
Intentional people make aligned decisions - allowing them to live authentically. In turn, they can escape the conditioned version of life and live without compromising or undermining the calling that swirls within.
Intentional people live an empowered life, are connected to Source, and trust in the wisdom that can see further forward than ego.
In turn, they live an incredible life.
Best of all, Intentional people know how simple it can be to live a life with no regrets - because the five UNIVERSAL principles of Intentionality guide them.
Keep reading, and I’ll share them with you now.
Create disproportionate outcomes by leveraging energy instead of time.
Intentional people understand that while the human lifespan is linear, the results they desire don’t have to be created that way.
Intentional people know that results don’t happen just because time has passed. Instead, they get results because of their capacity to be ‘on it’ without getting distracted, side-tracked, or tired.
Consider the magnitude of this mindset shift…
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve got, how old you are, or what your perceived ‘time-limiting restrictions’ might be. If you focus on energy instead of time, you will create disproportionate outcomes [compared to what others can achieve in the same timeframe.]
You’ve seen this in your own life…
Time can drag and minutes can feel like days when you’re out of flow, doing something you hate, or drained of energy.
In comparison, hours can pass in a heartbeat when you’re overflowing with energy and doing something you love.
This is why intentional people invest in practices that elevate their energy levels. They take ownership of their energy, giving themselves the ability to switch it on when needed.
Being intentional with my energy has made me more effective in ALL areas of my life. It’s the reason I can collapse time and create quantum leaps in everyday life.
You can discover some of my favorite energy-enhancing practices when you download my free Intentional Living Guide.
Experience fulfillment, not just success, by focusing on desired feelings, not just outcomes.
At the core of your desire to experience an incredible life is an awareness of how you want to FEEL.
We instinctively know that emotions such as peace, love, and joy will switch on a feeling of aliveness and deep fulfilment. The trouble is, we’ve lost sight of what it takes to create the feelings we want.
Inside the conditioned state, we get to work chasing things - because they’re one way to trigger the feelings we want.
But intentional people know there’s a shortcut.
Did you know it’s possible to experience desired feelings NOW by bypassing the outcomes and going straight to the feelings?
For example, do you really need to take a trip around the world to feel adventurous - or could you feel the same feelings by visiting a local beach you’ve never stepped foot on before?
Feelings exist on a spectrum. At one end of the spectrum is a bunch of free adventurous stuff you can do now. At the other end, are luxury experiences that need planning. Different trigger, same feeling.
Lead with Intentionality, and you don’t need to wait to feel good.
How do you want to feel, and what can you do to feel that way NOW?
Once you know the emotions you desire, you get to be in control of your life - because there’s always a way to evoke feelings with Intentionality
Eliminate friction by creating freedom through self-made boundaries.
As humans, we have an inherent desire to be free; it’s a desire that’s hard-wired into our DNA because growth is how we evolve.
That call for freedom forces us to push our boundaries.
It motivates us to take risks.
It pulls us to the edge and inspires us to take the leap.
On the flip side, freedom also puts us nose-to-nose with fear, which creates resistance - or worse - slams on the brakes.
You have a choice...
Do you let your fears keep you trapped inside your comfort zone? Or do you create a context for your life inside which you can spread your wings and fly?
Intentional people permit themselves to take more risks by creating a container that creates both safety AND room for opportunity. In the same way that a trampoline fence allows your kids to go harder in their play, self-made boundaries lift the lid on your life.
What boundaries do you need to create to free yourself up? What routines, rituals, and rules could create the permission slip you need to go harder for the things you care about?
Remove friction from action, and you’ll start to fly.
Experience peace and joy by learning to choose love over fear.
Each time you’re triggered or pushed out of your comfort zone, your body responds with fear.
Fear is your in-built warning system cleverly designed to alert you to perceived dangers - so you’re in the best possible position to survive the threat.
There’s just one problem…
Our fear-response wasn’t built with 21st century living in mind! It was designed for the Stone Age when your ancestors needed to be able to fight off an attack by an enemy tribe or escape the clutches of a sabre tooth tiger!
Nowadays, your sympathetic nervous system is more likely to be triggered by an argument, a problem you can’t solve, or fear of failure. These common situations don’t require you to fight, run, or freeze. But still, your body gets flooded with cortisol, and your nervous system preps itself for physical action.
And it’s a problem…
Fear drives the mindset of scarcity, fear, and limitations, which stifles innovation, undermines your connection with others, and guides you to think about what could go wrong - instead of what might go right.
Intentional people know they have to cultivate a different mindset to stay on their path.
Here’s why...
Underneath our pain, fears, and insecurities is a never-ending ocean of love. At our core, humans ARE love.
When we’re fuelled by love, oxytocin floods our cells, evoking a feeling of expansiveness.
From a place of love, we have more self-trust and self-belief - which means we’re more likely to take the risks that keep us on our path. We’re more innovative too; switching on problem-solving and creativity skills.
No wonder love over fear is a principle that’s at the core of many spiritual texts.
Love makes us more effective, creative, and ultimately more powerful and successful. We don’t default to love because you can’t love a hungry tiger into submission!
Intentional people consciously choose love over fear. They choose curiosity over conflict and always assume the best. This response takes work, but the payoff is huge.
Just imagine how your life would shift if love was your default?
A good place to start is to learn how to communicate with your heart. This short meditation can help.
Connect to your true nature by practicing the power of presence.
Intentional people don’t waste their life waiting for things to change before they can feel ‘OK’.
Instead, they’re able to feel deep gratitude and love for this moment - while simultaneously holding a vision for a great future.
Intentional people practice presence to live in the NOW - because they understand that NOW is all that’s real.
As a result, they can lose themselves in the beauty of a sunset or the breathtaking elegance of leaves falling from a tree.
They can lose themselves in a lover’s gaze and find endless happiness in a child’s smile - because they know this very moment holds the potential for EVERYTHING.
People who practice presence know it’s where the magic lies.
The NOW holds your union with Source, God, Love, the Universe [whatever words work for you]. It’s the pathway to oneness and connection with your true nature.
It’s the place of:
Remembering who you really are.
Intuitive hits and divine guidance.
Feeling the fullness of your emotions.
Seeing the signs and embracing the synchronicities that guide you along your path.
Best of all, this magical moment is easily accessible. All you need to do is take three conscious breaths and you’ll be right there.
Take those breaths now and feel the power for yourself.
Five universal principles for living an incredible life
Humans are innately curious, insatiable, and hungry for more.
And the reason we keep looking is because there’s something inside that KNOWS there’s a way to experience all of the possibilities your life has to offer.
If you’re someone who wants to live an incredible life, I believe these FIVE Principles of Intentionality hold the key.
Applicable to every part of your life, these principles will help you:
FIND your Path
GET ON your Path
STAY on your Path.
All you’ve got to do is work with them intentionally. Make these universal laws a part of your identity and see how your life changes as a result.