How To Point Your Inner Compass To A Life Of Intentionality

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I believe you have one critical choice in this lifetime. Do you stay within the conditioned state’s constraints and live the life you think you should lead? Or do you get on your path and create your life, your way, with Intentionality? 

The majority of people get stuck in the status quo, and it’s not their fault! The truth is, social narratives have life mapped out for us. First, do well at school so you can get a good job and earn good money. Next, find your soulmate, settle down, and have babies. Finally, work hard and compromise where necessary so you can have all the time and freedom you want when you retire. 

The status quo is an unfulfilling way to live because external success and status drives it. 

When you strive for external results and progress, you lose track of what you want. It’s why ‘successful’ people feel empty, disillusioned, and unfulfilled - even when they’ve achieved all of their goals.

I was one of those people. 

At the peak of my external success, my life fell apart. With nothing else to chase, I had no choice to turn inwards for answers - and my life transformed as a result. 

Since then, I’ve met many people - just like me - who achieved everything external only to be left wanting. 

And here’s what I came to realize… 

While a rock bottom experience will jolt you back onto your path, you don’t need pain to make a shift. 

Rumi said, “The inspiration you seek is already within you. Be silent and listen.”

There’s a part of you that already knows who you are and how you want to live. In a world of external stimuli and focus, our inner knowing gets overwhelmed and drowned out. 

Your job is to reconnect to the wisdom within and get on your path by aligning to your Intentionality Compass


Let me show you how…

NORTH: Know Your Purpose

People lose their way and get disillusioned with life when they don’t feel purposeful. 

Maybe you’ve had this feeling too - that sense of going through the motions because you feel you have to, not because you want to. 

Fyodor Dostoyevsky said, “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”

Purpose is an energy that creates a sense of meaning; it’s fuel to get out of bed in the morning because you know the bigger picture value of your life.  

However, your search for purpose comes with a warning… Don’t get stuck in the ‘Purpose Prison!’

If you obsess over finding the one thing you’re ‘supposed’ to do with your life, you’ll waste time and energy. You’ll stall and delay because a need for perfection will hold you back.

I don’t think purpose needs to be a specific role [although it can]. Instead, purpose can be who you’re BEING rather than something you do, something the following formula will help you define.

My purpose is [your contribution] so that ________[your impact on the world].

For example, my purpose is to ‘Embody Intentionality and inspire others to do the same.

SOUTH: Define Your Values

Which life will make you happier? A life filled with obligations or expectations - or one that’s guided by what’s most important to you? 

Where purpose provides the big picture focus, your values capture the things you care about most. In the words of Roy Disney, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” 

When you know what you value, you can create a life with Intentionality. In practice, this means eliminating things you don’t care about while weaving in more things you love. 

For example, if you value adventure, create more space for spontaneity in your life. Take a mystery tour at the weekend, visit new cities, or start a travel fund, so you have money to travel guilt-free. 

When choosing your values, I recommend sticking with three to four. More than four is hard to embody. Remember, the life-changing impact of your values is in living them every day. If you’re juggling too many that intention becomes impossible. 

EAST: Set your Intentions

Why do you want the beach house, the million-dollar bank balance, or the industry awards? 

One of my most significant shifts was realizing that I didn’t desire the things, but the feelings I attached to those things.  

I call these your intentions. 

For example, the reason you might want a million dollars in the bank is because your intention is security, success, or freedom. The reason you desire industry awards is because they meet an intention of recognition, pride, or validation. 

When you define the intention behind the things you desire, you don’t have to wait to feel the way you want. It might take years to grow a net worth of $1,000,000, but you can experience an intention of security NOW. You could wait for an award to feel worthy, or you could validate yourself and feel good enough now. 

When you define intentions, you don’t need to wait for the future to feel great. Instead, you can have everything you desire today. It’s as Sydney J. Harris reminds us…“Happiness is a direction, not a place.” 

WEST: Decide On Your Goals

Goals are powerful tools for a life of Intentionality. In the words of Seneca, “To the person who does not know where he wants to go there is no favorable wind.”

However, goals are the final point of the Intentionality Compass - not the first.

Goals can be problematic. When you attach to a specific outcome, there’s a risk you’ll miss life’s synchronicities and unexpected opportunities.

The soul’s perspective isn’t limited, like the ego. When the ego sees problems and failure, the soul sees growth and expansion. The secret is to stay unattached to your goals, knowing you might achieve the same outcome differently. See your goals be signposts, which confirm you’re on the right path - and stay open to the possibility that you may want to pivot before you cross the finish line.  

Get On Your Path. Connect With Your True Nature

You can choose to get on your path at any time and anywhere. You get to set the pace. It’s your life, and you have the freedom to live it on your terms.  

You don’t need to overhaul your life completely to align with your True Nature [although you can if you want to]. 

Simply set up your Intentionality Compass, and you can create a life that: 

  • Feels purposeful

  • Aligns with your values 

  • Evokes desired feelings 

  • Moves you closer to your goals

Are you ready to set your Intentionality Compass? If so, check out my online workshop. 

Finnian Kelly