Dancing with Feminine and Masculine Energies: Forces that are Irrespective of Gender

In a world where outdated social conditioning and progressive movements are constantly coming up against each other, the concept of feminine and masculine energies can be a tricky subject.  Energy transcends the boundaries of gender.  Every human being has masculine and feminine energy within them that when fully activated, can be vibrant forces of nature. We need a balance of the ‘doing’ energy of masculine and the ‘being’ energy of the feminine to meet our truest nature. We are witnessing a paradigm shift that encourages us to embrace the dynamic interplay of these energies within us, irrespective of societal expectations and gender labels. Let's dive into the fluid dance of these energies and explore how they go beyond the constraints of identity.

Masculine energy, referred to as the Yang and associated with the Sun, represents the driving force of action, strength, and protection. It's the fiery passion that propels us to take risks, embrace challenges, and create change. Historically associated with traits like leadership and decisiveness, masculine energy is a fierce driver that ignites innovation and fuels ambition.

On the other side of the spectrum lies feminine energy – known as the Yin, Mother Earth energy of nurturance, creativity, and intuition. This energy is flowing and dynamic and is all about fostering growth and connecting with others.  Often characterized by qualities like compassion and receptivity, feminine energy is innately intuitive and invites collaboration.

Instead of seeing these energies as opposing forces, consider them as complementary aspects of a harmonious whole. It's not about rejecting one energy in favor of the other; it's about finding the equilibrium that resonates within.  Men have been associated with being less in touch with their feelings, and therefore are typically attributed with rationality and logic as skill sets. Women are naturally seen as more sensitive and open to exploring their feelings, but then are unfairly labeled irrational or emotional in both professional and personal settings. Consider this. If symbolically, feminine energy is about nurturing, creation, and the Earth, and masculine energy is associated with power, strength, and the Sun, perhaps our social conditioning has exploited this symbolism and played a large part in the imbalance we feel in this respect. 

Archaic ideologies of who is capable of what no longer serve us. Learning that a perpetual friction between the forcefulness of masculine energy and the flow of feminine energy leaves us with a persistent overcorrection in one direction or another should inspire us to find the harmony naturally within us. Any one of us — and that means you! — has access to the energies associated with both logic and feeling. We just have to know how to tap into them.

Do any of these speak to you?

~ Are you experiencing a major transition in your life?

~ Do you constantly feel tugged in different directions and like you are always having to compromise?

~ Can you sense something new and bold wanting to birth, but you’re not quite sure how to navigate the energy around it?

I’ve identified that many of us have stifled our feminine energies in an effort to be productive and successful, and it's time to reactivate this vibrant force.  If you’re ready to amplify the power of a feelings-first approach to living and leadership, please join me October 3rd-6th in Boulder for our most epic Intentionality event yet The Divine Feminine Immersion. All the details can be found here - we have a few spots left and if you’re reading this far, this is your sign - just say yes!

Finnian Kelly