You're going to the wrong place for answers
I have discovered a new technique that is transforming my life.
Like probably a lot of you, I have prided myself on my intellectual capabilities. This was fueled by a school system that recognised and rewarded when we intellectually solved problems. This reward/punishment system was often reinforced by our parents as well. What this has implicated is that our brains are the most important decision-making tools and we have become addicted to trying to solve our problems rationally. What’s interesting though is that this doesn’t really work in 98% of our “real world” problems. Most of our problems aren’t mathematical. There is not an easy solution and this is why we find ourselves stuck in a mental loop when trying to make a decision. We try to list out the pros and cons, only to find that when we choose the more pros path we are often not satisfied.
I have been stuck in this pattern loop for the last couple of years on certain decisions in my life. My rational mind keeps putting me down a path that does not bring me fulfilment or happiness. I am very happy to say that I have finally discovered a new way. A way to make decisions in an instant with incredible confidence that is the right path for you. I am calling it the ‘new brain’. The brain that the World needs to start using if we are going to transform into a better way of living.
This new brain is something that we all know is important, but have not yet identified just how crucial it really is to our overall well being.
This new brain is the heart!
It’s been discovered that the heart has over 40,000 neurons in it. So effectively it has a little brain within it. This year in March, the 1st 3D Map of the heart was created. Science is finally starting to back up the intuitive knowing that the Mystics and Eastern spiritualists have known forever. They intuitively knew because they have had a deeper connection to their hearts instead of their brains.
When we ask our heart for answers to questions what we find is that an answer often arises within us before we even finish asking the question. This is because the heart has a connection into a deeper part of who we are.
Dr Joe Dispenza, who is doing incredible work in teaching the world about this, has a great saying, “I like to say the brain thinks, but the heart knows.”
I invite you to start connecting with your heart and directly asking it questions. See if for the next 30 days you can make decisions for your life from asking your heart first instead of your head.
A simple process I use is the following:
Start deep diaphragmatic breathing. Breathing in and out of the nose to a breath count of between 5 and 6 seconds.
Move your attention to your heart and start breathing in and out of it. (Obviously, you will still be breathing in and out of your nose, but with your attention, you will feel the heart expand and contract.)
Connect with your heart. Say things like, “Hello heart, I love you heart, thanks for being such a great guide to me.”
Elevate your state of being with positive emotions. Choose to focus on something that brings you gratitude, appreciation, care or compassion.
Now you are in an elevated state and in a place of coherence where you can ask the question you need answered or you can set your vision for what you want to achieve.
Listen to the first thing that comes up, don’t allow the mind to judge it, accept it and thank your heart for its wisdom.
You will come away with such clarity and I am confident that you will positively transform your life. Once you have identified the direction of your path through your heart you can then tap into the intelligence of the brain to help you work out how to get there. This is how they can start working incredibly well together. This is a place of ultimate coherence and where the magic begins!