How To Create A Spiritual Relationship With Money So You Can Love Being Wealthy


How’s your relationship with money? 

What are the beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that jump into your mind when you think about creating, managing, and spending money? 

If you’re like most people, your relationship will be less than empowering - and it’s not your fault! 

Money is a taboo, which means it’s not a subject we’re comfortable talking about. Money is emotionally charged too - evoking all sorts of challenging emotions such as guilt, shame, embarrassment, and greed. 

These are big issues because our modern world runs with money. Whether you like it or not money IS the thread that flows through everything and this is a fact you can’t escape. 

As a collective, we chose to make money our form of exchange. 

But if you take a step back and see the bigger picture, you’ll see that this was an inspired decision for human evolution. 

With a collective form of exchange, there’s no need for anyone to be subsistence anymore. Instead, we have the freedom to create money doing things we’re good at [or things we enjoy], and then use our wealth to buy everything else. 

With the help of money, we can buy the things we want. With money, our lives aren’t limited by the things we can create ourselves. We don’t have to build the house; we can buy it. We don’t have to make the clothes or the food; we can buy them. 

In this way, money has been a driver for social transformation, creativity, innovation, and levels of individual freedom that were unheard of even a century ago. 

But most of us aren’t exploiting that freedom because we don’t know how to feel comfortable being wealthy!

In fact, there are plenty of people in society who would have you believe that you can’t be wealthy and spiritual! 

I believe this is an ideology that needs to be changed - because it’s a belief that’s holding too many people back from creating a fully expressed life. 

So if you’re ready to discover how you can be spiritual and wealthy. 

If you want to learn how you can feel like a ‘good’ person and have money at the same time. 

If you want to create a relationship with money where wealth flows freely into your life…

Keep reading! 

This blog contains ideas designed to shift your beliefs around money - as well as give you some simple steps you can take NOW to attract more prosperity into your life. 

What is money really? 

If you want to change your relationship with money, you must first change your understanding of what money is. 

[Yes, we’ve even complicated this part!] 

Once you cut away all the social narratives and power plays, money is simply energy; a resource that we chose to use as a tool to swap one thing for another. 

Thanks to money, we don’t need to barter anymore. Instead, we can just exchange stuff for dollars. Exchanging dollars should be far more straightforward than trying to decide what you can get in exchange for three sheep… or how much design work you can receive in exchange for one hour of consulting time. 

The reason it isn’t quite so simple is because of the stories we’ve attached to money. 

As a society, we’ve also said that money equals status and power, which means wealth has got tangled up in feelings of self-worth and success. On the one hand, we desire wealth, but then we criticize wealthy people - saying they’re greedy and selfish [and who wants to be labelled as selfish, greedy, or mean?]  

On the other hand, we say that being poor is somehow ‘humble’; it’s a sign of goodness to not ask for too much. But on the other hand, we have big dreams for a beautiful life that wealth can help make come true.

No wonder people feel conflicted around money. The truth is that money is neither good nor bad. There’s nothing inherently ‘wrong’ with money – just the beliefs we project onto it.

And that’s something you can change [I’ll show you how shortly]. 

What if you decided that money was a spiritual tool? 

I’d go further and say that money is also a spiritual tool. More than that, it’s a tool that’s overlooked and under-utilised because of our negative relationship with money. 

Spirituality is an idea that’s becoming more and more mainstream than it was even three decades ago. What’s more, the way we access our spirituality has changed too. 

In the past, the typical route to heightened levels of consciousness was a lengthy meditation retreat or choosing to live like a monk. What’s significant is that these pathways didn’t cost much money. 

Nowadays, people are more likely to be juggling a spiritual practice alongside modern living. For example, they’re deepening their connection to Source by weaving a mediation ritual into their daily routine, working with a mentor, or studying courses online. 

And they’re doing this while working, running a business, building relationships, and checking through items on their bucket list. 

As spirituality becomes mainstream, more and more people are doing their ‘spiritual work’ with the distraction of daily life. You could argue this is harder than being a monk! Let’s be honest, it’s not easy being ‘spiritual’ after an argument with your partner, when you’re worried about the health of your business, or your kids are refusing to get ready for school!

On the flip side, you have many, MANY more opportunities to grow and evolve as an individual because of the many triggers everyday life creates. 

It’s important to understand that you do need money to navigate a spiritual path that’s woven inside a modern life.

Without money, you create stress and anxiety because of the fear that you won’t be able to cover your living expenses - let alone fund your bigger dreams. And when your life is fuelled by fear, it’s a lot harder to tap into the never-ending pool of love that is your truth.

What would it feel like to see money as a catalyst that deepens, strengthens, and quickens your spiritual path? 

What if you chose to see money as the means through which you could invest in the best mentors, enrol on the best courses, gain access to the best healers, and access the resources you need to follow your heart wherever it wants to go?

  • What if your heart is calling you overseas? Money can make that possible. 

  • What if your soul’s growth would accelerate if you quit your job and started a business doing the thing you love? Money can help make this a reality. 

  • What if money was no longer a reason you felt you had to say NO - meaning you could take the crazy actions that your soul asks of you in the middle of the night?

When you permit yourself to allow money to fuel your spiritual path through life, wealth transforms into a source of peace, purpose, and power. 

How to change your Money Story and inspire your spiritual growth

You get to choose what money means for you. 

And you can choose for that story to be empowering or disempowering. 

Chances are you’ll need to rewrite and rewire your Money Story, but this time you can do it with Intentionality [which is super powerful]. 

Most people were set up to fail around money from the age of three - the time when your senses developed, and you began to make decisions about the world. 

As a child, you absorbed the money beliefs of the adults in your world and then took them on as your own. 

  • If your parents believed money was hard to earn, you probably find it hard to make money too.  

  • If your mum thought she needed a man to take care of her, you might have this dynamic in your relationship. 

  • If money replaced love and affection, you might think that money can buy you happiness

  • If your family had money and then lost it, you may be scared to start a business or risk investing because it’s all going to go wrong. 

Your views about money also stem back to this time. For example, have you ever heard people say “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “money is dirty”, or use the phrase “filthy rich”? 

Thanks to the power of Intentional AWARENESS, you get to craft a Money Story that aligns with who you are as a spiritual being. 

Here’s a worksheet to download that will show you how. 

Allow your money to help you Get On Your Path

Getting on your spiritual path is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your life. 

Your path is the direction of your true nature… the journey where you discover the truth of who you really are and what you came here to BE, DO, and HAVE. 

As you walk your path, you get to express your soul purpose, take decisions that align with your values, experience your intentions, and achieve your goals. 

In turn, your path holds the promise of fulfilment, success, love, happiness, and joy - because it contains the things you desire most and the experiences you need to grow and evolve. 

You can walk this path, struggling all the way because you’re only allowing yourself to leverage the resources of time and energy. 

OR you can create an intentional relationship with money, and allow your wealth to enhance it all. 

I know which option my soul is choosing. 

What about yours?

Finnian Kelly