A Feelings First Approach to Living and Leadership

In business, emotion is often positioned as a risk to an organization’s bottom line. But tackling crises under the antiquated premise that feelings are financial liabilities can inadvertently reinforce corporate amnesia and negative belief loops, and subsequently a negative bottom line. Internationally renowned speaker, seasoned leadership expert, and author Finnian Kelly paints a whole new picture of what’s possible when we reclaim feelings as our greatest organizational and individual assets. With Intentionality, a feelings first approach for enjoying fulfilling careers and thriving relationships, Kelly teaches us how to live and lead by looking inward. 

  • Explore how embracing the concept of ‘feeling before healing’ can help pave the path to success. 

  • Unpack the differences in emotion and feeling and learn how to live and lead by effectively tapping the connection between the two.

  • Learn simple breath practices for letting go, accessing your truest nature, and leading with authenticity.

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