Aka my purpose
Here's my traditional bio...
for the real story read below
As a sought-after speaker, event facilitator and executive coach, Finnian has been dubbed “the Business Mystic” because of his unique ability to put consciousness into business and inspire leaders to find new levels of meaning and purpose through their creative endeavours. This approach flowed through his term as President of the Colorado Chapter of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) - the largest and most influential community of entrepreneurs in the world. Finnian helps people ‘love their path’ so they can feel content with a life lived in the now.
As an entrepreneur, Finnian built and exited two multi-million dollar companies in the financial industry. He’s the Creator and Chief Visionary Officer of Intentionality.com. Through the four paths of the Intentionality framework, Finnian guides people to be purposeful and aligned in their belief, thoughts and behaviors so they can feel more love in their life.
As a lifelong learner, Finnian has degrees in maths, physics, finance, leadership, teaching and a master’s degree of science in positive psychology. He spent 7 years in the Australian Defence Force and graduated from one of the most prestigious leadership organisations in the World, The Royal Military College of Duntroon.
Finnian makes appearances as a financial expert and is on a mission to bridge the gap between money and spirituality. He's appeared on Sky Business, on ABC as a political commentator, and on Ten’s morning shows as a financial expert. He also regularly appears as a guest writer for online publications - Money Management, Smart Company, Business Insider, Forbes and more.
Finnian's finest accomplishment to date was being featured on the popular National Geographic Documentary, Undercover Angel. This was a project where he was dropped into an underprivileged community to find out their core issues, build trust and come up with a project that would support their needs. He funded the entire program himself and worked with community leaders to form a family education center in Fakulteta, Bulgaria.
Above all, Finnian is a conscious being - committed to embodying Intentionality and inspiring others to do the same. Finnian travels the world spreading Intentionality on speaking tours, exploring new places and cultures and chasing powder as a ridiculously passionate skier!
Love Your Way
From relentless chasing to intentional living.
My Soul Story
When we’re born, we know our essence is love and we’re connected to source - then we forget.
At a soul level, we pick our childhood circumstances to set the scene for our life lessons. I needed to learn independence, so I chose a farm in Tasmania and parents who didn’t care too much about what I did or achieved.
I made their lack of interest mean they didn’t love me - so as a boy I felt abandoned and lacking. I tried to fill that hole in the only way I understood - through the achievement of external things.
And so began my life of chasing… and in the process, I forgot who I was.
Losing My Way
I joined the Australian Defence Force age 17 to train in the best leadership academy in the world. I became one the force’s youngest officers leading up to 100 soldiers. I loved the camaraderie and adventure, but I was miserable, so age 24 I retired with my three degrees and followed my instincts to finance.
I didn’t believe investing was as hard as the finance industry made out. Thanks to my army background, I knew how to thrive in high-risk environments and spot opportunities for maximum returns. I taught myself to trade then began helping others manage their money. I met my wife at an awards event and together, we launched multiple businesses in the financial space and secured 7-figure exits from two.
At the peak of my career, I’d achieved everything I wanted. I was driven by materialistic success and achievements. I’d won multiple industry awards and scaled million-dollar businesses. I was financially free, living in a ski resort, and married to the love of my life.
Then my marriage broke down and my wife left. I made some bad decisions, lost a lot of money, and lost my way.
Finding My Way
When there’s nothing left to chase, you have no choice but to go inwards. So at rock bottom, I headed to France to walk the 800km the Camino de Santiago to the northern coast of Spain.
Through this pilgrimage, I reconnected with nature and began to find myself.
If you’ve ever walked the Camino, you’ll know little yellow signs keep you on track. It’s the same in life. When you’re looking for divine guidance, it shows up. The right teachers, healing events - even books falling on your head!
My signs called me to practice breathwork and work with a spiritual teacher. I learned to meditate and went on medicine journeys. In the process, I released old traumas, aligned with my true values, and discovered the power of intentionality and BEing in the now.
I found myself - and in the process, I returned to wholeness and remembered what I’d forgotten as a child - that I am love, abundance, and a powerful manifestor [just like you].
Keeping My Way
Have you ever had a shot of insight when you remembered? Maybe a retreat or an experience connected you to the truth of who you are. At that moment, you felt the magic of life. Overwhelmed with a profound sense of calm, you got high on the little things and felt the awe and wonder of life.
In this deeply connected state, egoic needs feel insignificant. As the witness, you calm your incessant thinking. No longer consumed by your ego, you can live in the now and appreciate the magic of each moment.
But when you find your way, you have to be on it ALL the time. If not, you lose your way again!
I’m keeping my way through intentionality practices including breathwork, spiritual rituals, and conscious connection with myself and with nature.
When you choose to be intentional and live in the now, you don’t need to escape the present. Instead, you can heal and awaken into the now - alive with the certainty that this is the only place to be.